Storm Preparedness - How to Deal with a Hurricane Power Outage

Hurricanes can be a nightmare, causing massive power outages that can disrupt work and daily life. If you live or work in an area at high risk of hurricanes, it's crucial to prepare for power outages to ensure your safety and minimize the impact of the storm on your work. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to deal with a hurricane power outage and how to prepare for a storm.

Protecting Your Electrical Units and Appliances

When a big storm is forecasted, the first step is to protect the electrical units and appliances in the house you're working on or residing in. Safeguarding your electrical units and appliances can minimize damage during the storm and prevent further problems once the power goes out. One of the first steps to take is to unplug large appliances before the hurricane or when a power outage is expected. Doing so will prevent an electrical circuit overload when power is restored, which could cause an electrical surge and damage your appliances.

It's also important to secure your outdoor electrical units, such as air conditioning units, by turning them off and covering them with a tarp or other protective covering. This will prevent debris or water from damaging them during the storm.

Another key step in preparing for a hurricane is to ensure that your carbon monoxide detectors and fire alarms are battery-powered and tested frequently. This is important because power outages can increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and fire hazards.

In addition, it's a good idea to have alternative power sources for essential electrical items, such as telephones. Portable battery packs, solar chargers, and car chargers can be useful in keeping your devices powered during an outage. It's also wise to have spare batteries for flashlights and other emergency lighting sources.

Generators and Alternative Chargers: Your Lifesaver During Power Outages

Alternative power sources are vital during power outages, and generators are one of the most common ones. Generators provide power to certain appliances or parts of your home, but it's crucial to follow safety measures when using them.

Make sure you never use generators inside your house or garage to prevent electrical mishaps and safety risks. Instead, run portable generators at a distance from your house of at least 20 feet. You can use an extension cord or transfer switch to use the power of the generator, even at a distance. While generators won't power your entire home, they will provide power to essential appliances and parts for a short time, ensuring greater comfort and safety.

Other alternative power sources are battery-powered or solar-powered, which can power essential items like phones. It's crucial to make sure you have these alternative power sources to fulfill your electricity needs during an outage.

Other Home Safety Tips During Power Outages

When dealing with extended power outages, food storage can become a concern. Keep the fridge and freezer closed as long as possible and track food temperatures to avoid food poisoning and sickness. If anyone in your household has medical needs, such as medical appliances or medication that needs to be refrigerated, take additional measures to ensure that their needs are met during the power outage.

Stay Informed, Stay Prepared, Stay Safe!

Dealing with hurricane power outages can be a daunting task, but it's crucial to prepare ahead of time to ensure your safety and comfort during the storm. Protecting your electrical units and appliances, having alternative power sources, and following safety tips during a power outage can go a long way in mitigating the impact of the hurricane on your life and work.

Weather the Storm With Big Electric Supply

Are you monitoring the weather forecast for an upcoming storm or hurricane? Do you need to prepare for potential power outages? Stock up on electrical supplies and equipment from Big Electric Supply to help you weather the storm and stay safe.